Thursday, December 15, 2011

Work work workshop

Been attending to a workshop about digital art. I thought it would be refreshing to actually work with some photoshop stuff, and the teacher who I have had before in other classes, is rather amazing at working in photoshop and even in 3Ds Max. We had some fun stuff to do, but last night we began working on a potrait of whoever we want to draw. I havent had that much trouble drawing humans in Photoshop, but it is still hard to make them look "perfect".
I just finished on my part of the task. I am rather proud of the result even though my version looks very different from the picture I used.

In my version she looks much older and has a longer face. She looks a bit too... hmm manly? Atleast she looks rather young and such. My favorite part of the picture is the hair. I have always had a hard time to make hair look proper, but this time around I actually made it good enough for my liking. Last time I did that, was when I made that group picture of my character from that silly fantasy story.

This one to be exact. :P I hated the hair on the other characters, but the big ass elven head is obviously the one you should look at. Just like the picture above, I started off with a base color and made each strand and make dark shades and such. It gives such a nice effect in the end, but it can be hard to make it "perfect".

Anyway, I am on a roll so I will probably spam like an idiot (...not) with stuff like this. Also! I certainly did not forget about the "draw a drawing each day" thingmajing, even though I didnt draw for a couple of days... *cough*... I still got some nice stuff done that Iwill try and scan and post on the blog. :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

The December race is on-going

So, after suffering from post-traumatic stress after the return from le America, I think I am back on track and I have challened myself into a duel challenge to make a new artwork every day in december. That's right, EVERY DAY. Guess how many days till I will fail this challene? :P Hopefully none...

I have already made the first sketch for 1st December, I just need to scan it in for all your viewing pleasure (not that this sketch is that remarkable...).

When I have finished all these quickies, I was planning to put them up for a vote and see what people prefer the best, so maybe the 3 most liked drawing will be drawn into a 100% digital picture, you know, the ones that I usually spend min. 5 hours to several months to make, only I will actually pull myself together and do it proper this time around, now that I am working on that portfolio. :P

Talking about pictures, then I suppose it is time to actually post SOMETHING... Looking in my folder with digital art, it seems rather empty, or at least lacking any new proper work since I made that Warlock picture. But here is some sketches I did, and note, they are still work in progress, they are sketches! ( very often used quote by me, "... it's a sketch!" :P)

Brainfart #1: Remember the previous post, the "TL;DR"-one with the endless blabbering about novels that I am working on? These two random models happens to be part of the Sci-Fi one... This is just a draft for what they could be looking like and before pointing and laughing at those silly glass "tanks" on their back, then yes, it is tanks, though their story is that they are part of a cult that uses elixir and drugs to prolong their lives, but the only way to uphold this,they need constant "feeding" of this drug. Thus resulting in wearing clothes that has all these tubes and pipes attached that pumps the shit into their bloodstreams.
What I am rather "proud" of their design is the facepainting. Some might say it seems a bit familiar, maybe a bit too much familiar, which I hope you dont, but in either cases, I'd like to point out that these facepaintings arent anything like magical masks or something like that. They are just as human as everyone else, though they paint their faces to hide their identity and to seem intimidating to their enemies. Even though all members of this cult have different patterns, they are still easily recognizable by anyone.
I will sometime make a better picture that illustrates their final design as part of my portfolio. This was merely a test to see if it actually fit together as I had thought it would in my head. :)

Brainfart #2: This lady here is also in the Sci-fi novel like the two derps above. She is obviously ot from the same team and cult like them; she is one of those "Freedom Fighters" and obviously she is like the "female-character-that-is-following-the-main-character-and-everybody-loves-her-because-of-that"-kind of character, so obviously she is going to seem a bit interesting in some way. I have been wrestling a bit with her design, I wanted her to seem a bit more "free" in her clothing, and not tightened up and stiff like some of the other characters in the story. I like how it looks like so far, but I am still unsure so she is still WIP.

Brainfart #3: Last, but not least (I think), the comic. Yes, I tried to make a comic about one of my favorite games of all time; Mass Effect. This one might seem a bit hard to understand, because no one has in particular seen my ME character, no?
Well, the story is that when I made my main character in ME1, she looked rather good under character creation screen, until I actually started up the game and saw her derp around, ESPECIALLY in profile.I wanted to kill myself so badly, she looked... derp-y. I then just ignored it, because I was happy with everything else, but as soon as I found out that in ME2 that you could import your character and after playing the whole game through with the same face, I just HAD to use the chance to actually change her face to something more pretty...
One thing that I couldnt help but giggle at is the fact that Kaidan, my Shepard's humptoy, was all over her in the first game but in the second game, he didnt even want to touch her. So, what would happen in the third game?
I was just playing on the thought that you could kind of relate Shepard's looks with the way he reacts in the game, even though it is obviously not. :P But hey... if Kaidan isnt nice to me in ME3 then I'd rather go with Garrus!
..... Yeah I am bad at comics.... -.-